Friday, December 31, 2010

Before we officially kick off the New Year...

It's been several weeks since I've updated the blog - my b. Most can agree that the holiday season is full of business and anxiety as well as family love and cheer. Can't forget to thank the periods of time when Mercury retrogrades, either - always there to remind you of the things we hope to never miss. 

I decided to decorate this year. Celebrating my new life as a non-smoker of cigarettes and abiding by the rules of the everyday ebb and flow of life is quite liberating. I'm grateful for the awareness that I've been blessed with so far - shout outs to my biggest inspiration: Grandma & Grandpa and Annie & Celeste. They've inspired me to paint this picture. To my family and friends: I love you. 

Creativity is something we all have within out heart and soul - you have to let it take you. It's your choice to follow it, however. I started a couple of "special projects" to keep me in touch with those I love and care about. Family and friends that have stood by me in times of need, been there for me when I needed a hand, etc. 

I started with the "Grandparents Memory Book" as seen in Femino Family 2010. Many thanks to the author, Teri Harrison, for making that dream a possibility! We have since exchanged e-mails and she has asked me to use a part of my blog entry as a testimonial on her website! I was honored to say yes. Networking with other creative minds can be powerfully rewarding. 

The second project was started around the same time. I had an old stationary set that I had bought at a local art supply shop and made some hand-made holiday cards. It felt so good to watch it all come together. It took a lot of time and energy. If you decide that this is a good idea for yourself, please make sure you square away enough time in advance to ensure that each card is thorough and just the way you intend it to be. 

Before the glitter glue was added to cover up the tape seams. 

I inserted a little "lucky" cheer into one of the cards by taping it to the back of the card. I, too, consider the number thirteen as a symbol of luck and positive affirmation. So I wrote a little poem on the back of the same lucky piece of paper that I pulled out of a hat at work when we were getting new seats assigned. Go me! So good, I had to share it. That went on the thirteenth card, btw. I had to be extra specific. 

Punkin getting into the holiday spirit, per usual. 


And here were a couple of h y p n o t i q u 3'd photos that I've done recently. Most of them are on my Facebook LIKE page. I made it with the intention of other community artists to also post pictures, video, and any other forms of artistic media on the page. So far, I'm the only one posting. I'm keeping a positive outlook on this one, though. If I can inspire at least ONE other artist to share their expressions on my page, I'd be a happy camper. Earth signs like camping. Woot. 

It's a mash up. One of my favorite college teachers wrote me that letter. I want to share that same message.

One of my personal faves. I love colors. I love love. I love us. I love art.

So...before we kick off the New Year, I just want to ask...

What have been some of the most memorable moments for YOU in 2010? 

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