Sunday, January 2, 2011


Here's to another fresh start and having more reason to celebrate life and do awesome things! I'm so happy to have begun this adventure in creativity. One of the New Years Resolutions that I've made is to make sure that my blog and Facebook websites stay full of activity. As the seasons change, we grow. I'm happy to expand on that and give curious others an opportunity to peek in on what's going on in my own world - the good and the difficult.

 Here's something I've concocted whilst being in a difficult situation of my own:

When times of difficulty emerge, I tend to look outward more than in. Though it is true that our answers and love and all things good are within our self, I find that we naturally look for advice before we turn and create our own. Personally, I enjoy seeking truth in what others have to say. I enjoy seeing the beauty in correlations between to people, things or places. I don't believe in coincidences, I believe that we are all connected. If we find that we are "stuck in a bind" - as we will all encounter throughout life - its interesting to see who we call upon for help, or who "just so happens" to show up in our lives again. 

With that being said, I look forward to producing more material to put on the blog-site. Thank you for the support in reading. I hope you enjoy it!

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